Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Game Casts Covering the Nintendo 3DS

Come on over to for the first episode of 3DS Life... stay for updates on Episode 1 (the unboxing of the 3DS and the first reviews) as well as our daily content like Doctor Who, now on the blog! Check it out!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 2011 Upgrades to PSP Reviewing and Podcasting is Coming

Knock on wood, cross myself, hope I didn't jinx myself.

By the end of the month, again knock on wood, we should be up to the 2011 upgrade to PSP Podcasting with PSP DLC becoming PSP Go DLC (with all the upgrades and foibles and errors of reviewing on the PSP Go) and PSP Go TV from what was PSP TV, with the large internal memory of the Go making it easier to review stuff hopefully. We'll see. Keep an eye on for updates!

New Digital Scribbles out now! And we just put out the first episode of PSP DLC awhile ago too! Check them out please!